300 KW ELECTROTHERM Make Induction Furnace with 300 KG crucible, Newly installed.
300 Kg Ladle with lid & Temperature Measuring Instrument up to 1600 degrees centigrade.
Simultaneous Jolt Squeeze Molding Machines installed in March 2012 - ARPA 300 ( Box Size -16" x 16" x 6" & 20" x 20" x 6" )
Automatic Sand plant - Air compressor, Sand Handling system includes molding line feed, pallets, knockout machine, sand conveyor belt, surge hopper etc.
Green compression strength testing machine
Moister tester
Permeability meter
Compactibility meter
Sieve Analyser
Mould hardness tester
Core Tester
Universal Strength
Sand Rammer
Sand siever
Electric Permiability
Shell Tensile tester.
Cold Box core shooter available in House
Shell core shooter capacity 10 Kg core
Specrto Meter Make - Spectro Max
Harness testing Machine - Hydraulic operated
Physical properties - UTM, YS, % Elongation etc.)
Microscope with Image analyser
Polishing machine
C. E. Meter - Carbon equivalent, Percentage of carbon & Silicon, Residual magnesium percentage, Nodularity, Nodule count of the metal & presence of carbides if any in the metal
Out sourcing facilities near by available
Ultrasonic & Rediography testing facilities are available.
300 Kg capacity Shot Blasting Machine to clean the castings
16" Wheel- Pedestal grinding Machines
16" Wheel Swing frame grinding Machine
4" & 7" Wheel Angular Grinders
Pneumatic Chipper and Grinders
CNC, VMC and HMC Machining facility available with dedicated Machine shops
Induction Furnace : 250 KW / 300 Kg.
Molding Machines -Simultaneous Jolt Squeeze : ARPA 200
Cold box & Shell core machine : 10 kg Capacity
Sand Plant, Mold Handling & Metal Handling System
Shot Blasting Machine
Machine Shop : CNC Machine